Thursday, 27 December 2012

one last moment.!

ohhmaaiigaaddd... its ADIPUTRA.!!
yesterday we went to Melaka as a requirement for one of my subject. at there i felt so boring and dont know what to do. i was wondering what is the objective of going there. without being able to interviewed the so called "banduan", just looking out pokok-pokok herba dan contengan batik made by them. ke memang objective dia nak hambek2 gambar semata?huh.

soon it has finished, we've given almost four hours to go visit all-tempat-sejarah-melaka which my friends and i dont even have any idea where should we go in a shimmering hot light of sun.! panas kot until we decided to go to megamall near taming sari and worse if it, NOTHING CAN ENTICED ME.! xde ape pun yang menarik u ollss. dah la sunyi pun not bad.huh sakaii sungguh!

after doing nothing and lepak at mcd for awhile accompanied by mida, mira, ain n teh, we make a move to the bus yang setia menanti di panah matahari and rupa-rupanya my lecturer datin has been there for a quite of time. she sat quietly with a bus driver, acik Jack Zain yang upload pic datin bergambar dengan ANUAR ZAIN..anuar zain u ollls.. korang ada? terkinja2 mak jemah dalam bus taw sebab jeles punye pasal.u all xjeles? meh nak habaq.
left anuar zain, right prof datin.

see, korang nampak tak betapa over excitednya muka datin ni? handsome gile kan anuar zain? wuuaarrgghh lelaki ini sangat taw.minat gile kt suara macho dia. okke leave it to datin which was very LUCKY to take a picture with him. as i really disappointed so  just sat lazily at the chair and suddenly my friend whispered at me "eda, nak tengok shahs jazle x?" and i said "shahrizal? hurm nak gak" so we go rushingly out of the bus sambil disapa oleh pakcik Jack hoi-nak-g-mana-tu?-bus-nak-gerak-dah. i just said "tunggu jap cik.urgent".

farahin and me berlari-ari anak pergi ke shooting area tu and from afar we saw that shahs jazle wearing purple shirt and sunglasses ready for the shot and not far from him was adiputra getting pictured with a group of Indian family.! layan cerita melayu la plak dorang ni,hehe. after that i asked adiputra to take a picture of him and he just nodded and asked me to come near him.. oh my Lord, he just nodded and yet why he looked so masculine.? *over giler la plak.

habis tangkap gambar i just want to give him a smile and blah but he was the one who said thanks to me? what the?? i was the one who supposed to thanks him for the picture but he did it first. gentleman la plak.and then his voice "thanks" really made me froze because it was such a gentleman voice.haha.melting gile.pliz sesape carikkan baldi jap.cair dah ni.

okke u ollss mohon jealous.. BE JEALOUS please..hikhik.

si chubby eda with solid adiputra.

p/s: i tak ada la minat sangat pun ngn artis malaysia ni.motif nk bagi jealos kt datin and my friends sebab leh bergambar ngn anuar zain.haha. btw it was a good and unforgettable memory of mine for the day.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

know yourself first lah kawan.!

anyone please just count how much you put blame on others? do you even realize your own mistakes or  just take into account that people out there are always wrong? or you would rather saying that I ALWAYS RIGHT NO MATTER WHAT. oh my you are so almighty then.

honestly speaking, when we talking about those wrong and right things i think who are we to judge people huh? are we really that awesome? of course i am very awesome. ihik. no lah. sometimes when we do something whether its good or bad of course not every human like what we did. sometimes they love it. and sometimes they just dont. and at that time do we really ask our self what we have done till people do not like it? i am sure something is wrong with our self.

yes i know that who are we to judge people because of their wrongdoing or whatsoever but i think its better if we check our self first then you realized what is the reason behind all that matters. one thing for sure make others as scapegoat and forget about our mistake doesnt make you become rightful  person. it is also does not make you a better person. you just need to reflect on your behavior and actions and see thorough what have you done, why people put blame on you, why people hate you, and even if you are guilty, look for what is the best way instead.

p/s : what is the use of police if you dont obey the rules? *erk? teehee,.,

Sunday, 9 December 2012

seriously i am very jealous...!!

oh my godd...!
i am very extremely jealous of my cousin....!guess what?? she just uploaded her picture with BETO QUSHAIRY.! again BETO QUSHAIRY u know....! and fyi i am BETO QUSHAIRY die-hard-fan..! oh my... what am doing right now..? gigit jari la..*abeskan segala kuku yang ade kt tangan ni ha..
 masa beto belum glemer lagi i dh admire kt dia even dia dh kawen tp xkesah la. *padahal kecewa gak.

seriously i admit that he is a good actor and has character. bagi la hape jenis type of acting pun he can make it up. his acting is very simple and yet has feeling in it. and just recently i watched Istanbul Aku Datang and i love it..    again I LOVE IT..! ala- ala lisa surihani gitu. over kan malam ni?haha tu la emosi unstable lak. cakap banyak xguna.u all tengok sendiri ek dat pitcha.
left is my cousin (izzaty)
see??? jealous tak tgk gambar ni?? ade yang commit suicide x??haha.. i am very sure someone  is crying right now. (me letteww).
ommo.i think i must be crazy of his sweet i? sure he is very lovely in his own way.heuheuh.

p/s : i am FUCKING JEALOUS of u my dearly cousin how lucky u are...!thank you.
 *sambil nangis2 carik bantal.

Saturday, 8 December 2012

rumah sewa kena ceroboh pencurik durjana.!

guys, how do you feel when you are the victim of stealing? terkilan? terkejut? marah? lost dsb?
ofcourse rasa marah dan rase nak menderhaka lebih lagi kan? the same goes to me. yesterday was my very unlucky day. my new handphone got stolen in front of me and i was the one that willingly give it to that bastard. huh.!
the story began as i woke up alone yesterday since all my housemates got class till tengahari. bangun pagi tu terus basuh baju yang bertimbun, kemas umah, sapu sampah, buang sampah kt pagar belakang n jeng jeng jeng............................ here that bastard came.
from afar i heard someone gave salam and terus bukak pagar depan tu tanpa rase bersalah+muka serius dengan moto kt tepi umah and he didn't switched off the engine. pelik kan? tapi xpe la sebab i thought he was in hurry. bg salam terus dy cakap dy dari indah water n nak wat selenggara pam petang after jumaat prayer. at that time i was in the house with locked grill and he was standing lucky i am kan? he requested to talk with tuan rumah and waited for me to call the owner. so i called friend of mine and asking for cik toi's number and gave him a call. masa tu la c pencurik haram tu hulur tangan kt i through lubang2 grill tu nk ckp ngn owner. and i pun bagi kt dy dgn rela hatinye sbb yela he said he is from INDAH WATER kan..............! *bengang sungguh kena tipu*. siap tanye kt i lagi masa tgh tunggu i call tu umah ni ptg ni ad org x sbb dy nak buat keje kt blkg..sumpah cara dy cakap sangat2 la meyakinkan sampai xnampak dia tu penipu gile. another thing is lahanat tu xpakai baju uniform or what so ever thing about INDAH WATER pun sbb i ingatkan indah water ni macam lebih kurang SYABAS yang meter reader yang nek moto tu ha. ptg sikit bawak lori ke hape kan..tapii....last word dia cakap yg still i dengar is "nanti saya bagi letter kt budak ni" and go  rushingly with the wind. hah kau.! time tu memang dh xnampak kelibat and hanya dengar bunyi motor yang semakin menjauh. and i was stand still in front of the locked grill with an "O" in the mouth. what the .... ??
oh my god.. i was cheated...! masa tu i xtaw nak wat ape dan hanya memandang ke hadapan jalan hoping that he will come back even though i know it wont happen. masa tu jugak la my housemates balik dan depa terkejut tgk i yang macam kena pukau padahal terkejut beruk kau..!

seriously i did not expect this will happen to me and masa terlopong tu apa yang terlintas adalah "eh, status aku ni ape ek?", "eh handphone aku kene bawak lari org ke?" , "macam ni ke dlm drama melayu tu ha?" , " eh, aku dalam situasi rompakan ke ape ni?". ngek kan pikir camtu.? nak kejar mmg la dh xle sbb nk bkk kunci lg mmg la take times kan. yang bebudak yang baru sampai tu pulak bagai org meroyan menjerit "EH EDA KENE PUKAU !!! " haha. nonsense!

terkejut x ilang lagi dan i just duduk atas sofa pikirkan hand phone yang baru beli in the middle of october aritu, segala gambar yang ade 400 keping+gambar kawan2 i lgi. yela gambar dy cantek kan? so mmgla dorg suke bergamba ngn hand phone i. and then segala jenis lagu dalam tu ha. segala contacts dalam tu yang sumenya penting la for me.hadui serius walopun xcecah seribu tp it was once my belonging after all.!sape xsedih kan? dorang lak xabes2 ngulas mengenai keterkejutan dorang.haha. *guess its funny huh?

gitu la kesahnya and td petang g wat police report sbb takut bastard tu datang balik kan.dia dah tgk kot dalam rumah and anytime dy boleh datang utk amek barang lain lak since i got full class from monday to thursday. 

till then see ya.daaa..
 #sangat trauma dengan bunyi motor EX5.

Monday, 3 December 2012

whats the purpose of this blogging?

 suddenly i ask myself upon seeing my friend's blog. she said whats the reason for blogging for us .someone like me. and this thought keep running into my head. actually what is the real reason i started blogging?
hurm come to think of it, i guess the real reason is  i just doing it for entertainment only dude..! i wanna have some fun doing art on my own..!

guys, do you know how much u need someone by your side just to hear your inner thoughts? bear with your ridiculous mind? definitely you know. *if u have friends la.hikhik.  but nowadays i think there's no need for someone to hear your feelings and what so ever bebeh coz u got BLOG.! again BLOG..! hewhew.
friends also is very important but ever since u have them for many years why dont you change for something that is no sound at all and yet of course can't response all  of your writing but is one of effective way to express your thoughts hurm?? gotcha.! haha.

blogging can make your heart at ease and you dont have to be embarrassed to what kind of story you tell. just burst it out peeps.. BURST IT OUT.. yeah..hehe.

* imma hyperactive tonite dont you?

Friday, 9 November 2012

hari sakitku.

harini sumenye serba tak kena. sakit perut dari malam td membawa ke satu hari ni. serius sakit gile.kuar masuk toilet macam kuar masuk fitting room.. oh my. plus, rase loya mcm nk muntah tp xkuar. i guess i got indigestion. till evening, i just rest and sleep through the day. luckily i dont have class for friday. dont have appettite even my housemates forced me to have a bite. i xlarat okke.dont force me please...!

 dah indigestion satu hal di tambah pule dgn xlarat. assignment dh memanggil2 mintak disiapkan tp nk duduk depan laptop for a minute pun rase xmampu u alls. dear assignment please understand me can you? i have no energy too touch u.

i guess my sickness is to washed all my sins Ya Allah. Oh Allah semoga Kau ampunkan dosa hambaMu yang banyak melakukan dosa ini.


بسم الله الرحمن الر حيم 
أعوذ با لله و فد رته من شر ماأ جد وأحاذ ر

"bismillahhir rohmaanir rohiem 3x"

"a'udzu billahi waqudrotihi min syarri maa ajidu wa'uhaadziru 7x"

"dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang"
"aku berlindung kepada Allah dan kekuasaanNya dari pada kejahatan yang timbul dan yang saya khawatirkan

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

sang hati.

Disaat tak ada yang memetik kerana

 ketinggianmu, janganlah kau kusutkan 

jiwamu hingga kau rela dipetik dan dijamah 

oleh sesiapapun. Seperti epal yang mudah

 dipetik ditepi jalan. Tunggulah, Allah pasti 

mengirimkan seseorang yang bersedia

 memetikmu pada ketinggian. Ketinggian yang 

hanya boleh dipanjat dengan tangga 

keimanan dan ketakwaaan seseorang.

p/s : renungan kepada sipemilik hati.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

i am pushing myself

i know its been awhile and a long hiatus since my last update. it is because i am quite busy to update my entry *cakap jela ko malas kan and i think my last entry was when i was at the end of my second semester preparing for my last paper. plus, i don't have any topic to share it out. 

  during this period i am currently in my third semester and struggling myself to do any works related to my subject . for this sem, i have three subjects taught in arabic language and i am very sure hundred percent that i am very weak at this language and could not understand every single things came out from my lectures. okay i admit not all words la but most of the time memang i xfaham what my lecturers are talking about. every time in class i just looking at them like they are talking in alien language and waiting anxiously at my watch when will be the lecture stopped.. rase macam ternampak2 pinggan UFO pusing2 kt my lecturers tu.hehe. mesti u all rase i ni hopeless kan? i too feel like that. hehe. but can you tell me what i should do instead of pandang-serius-tapi-otak-kat-lain?? when i give full attention i can catch a bit and pieces from them and mule la buat mulut melopong coz bangga dapat faham ape yg lecturer foreigner ni cakap kan?hah kau. seriously i need help to find solution to my problem..! hik.

p/s : letih tau otak berfikir pahamkan bahasa alien.hehek.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

the weird feeling.

paper sume dh abes and it means i already finished my second sem in USIM. still trying to adapt with the environment but i just cant. dont know why, its so hard. KUIS n USIM xde la beza sgt but frankly speaking i really love my beloved KUIS. ouh how i missed those memories with THEM.*again mentioned their name.kakyah,cen,esah,nenek.
communication with my roomates are quite close and baru taw actually dorang ni satu kepala ngn tuliplavender.hehe.what a lovely emy,mira weirdo and chipsmore cheah. i love u all.but soon, we cant really see each other as we are separated by hostel.sorg kt rumah sewa tu, sorg kt hostel tuh, sorg kt sewa ni pulak. so my wish, we are still remember each other and jangan malu nk tegur lau jumpa pas ni.

last but not least, today is kak yah monyet's birthday. i already wish u in message but i really want to see you in person face to face just like old days. jauh xbermakna lupa kan?

p/s : ceh perasaan bukan2 mlm ni.

Monday, 18 June 2012

i love exam (ohyeah)

salam alaik to my encik blog.its been a long time to see you.kindly bz with my exam.
after today,one more paper to go.;)

Saturday, 14 January 2012

rumah itu maniskan?? #homesweethome.

dear diari, ape khabaq na?sihat ka?dh lme cheq xpost berita kt hangpa.bukan pa, cheq bz no struggle study.*kunun*.harap hangpa maafkan khilaf cheq na.arini cheq nk post one day life as nurulsyuhaidaaman yang sangat malang.
arini last paper tuliplavender which has ended at 1030 in the morning.mase menjawap 2hours and for god's sake i just did it in one hour!.. huh macam bagus je jawapan yg tuliplavender bulatkan tu.serious killer paper ni coz i dont have enough time to study.this is all because of ROME PUZZLE tuh la.jadahnya la main game tak ingat dunia.addicted gile sampai sanggup xtdo mlm semata2 nak wat empire sendiri kununnye.hurm buang mase the end of the day mata kau jugak bengkak2 plus eyebag panda tuh.okke back to the topic mentioned earlier.
as soon as the exam abes tuliplavender pun rushing back to hostel or secara sahihnya kafe utk mentekedarah coz im too hungry sampai leh telan ungka masak merah but then i was so disappointed to see nothing but just blink2 batang-batang tray tuh.lahanat mereka ni.lapau taw.boleh xmasak g.dah la member says "weh kita balik pukul 12 ye" and time tuh almost 1115.kuciwa gile tp its okay iman still di dada *ehem* then balik bilik kemas pape yg patut until one moment i got calls cakap theres no prebet or pakcik teksi yang sanggup drop kami kt ktm nilai."whats?" dan-dan la sume org bz plus ade keje nk buat. so after i tried to call mereka2 yang terpilih maka ready la tuliplavender utk berangkat.itupun ade gak halangan lagi such as prebet yang fucking annoying with the soalan bodoh yang tahap mintak penampar.tanya punya tanya ceh budak first year jugak upenye.kompom i tak layan dah soklan beliau.sikit punye ingat dia senior.adik2 gituh.aci bolayan la.
then dah dalam train yang sangat lembab *thanks to keretapitanahmelayu* sampai gak kt kl sentral tup2 i missed one train to klang.arrrgghh geram gile kena tunggu half an hour lagi pastu dpt train naik,naik bus,dgr lagu bla..bla..bla..sampai2 uma salam mak n atuk then bukak music bank and watch leejoon MBLAQ sings handsomely.hehe.oh heaven.pastu makan unstoppable n makan lagi then tido in my heavenly matress,auuww...

p.s: motif utama nak cakap "hoi orang kampung aku dah sampai kampung.korang ade?haha..rumah is the best place to stay lah.adios..chalja..nite.sekian.salam.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

hatiku kecewa...!

hai dude..
sungguh hatiku sgt kecewa time dapat news saying that my leejoon MBLAQ would be paired with Lizzy AFTER SCHOOL in pit a pat shake..what the heck is that??
i cant stand to see other woman at his side..!! gosh MBC you gotta kidding me rite?? btw, after sometimes or cooling myself actually (hehe) i thought it would be okay lah since they are just acting not married just like few couples. but then the devil whispered again " hey, what if  they starts couple after the program has ended?in real life??". hish "cannot go ni ( like my ustaz always said)'. my oppa is so damn hot although he looks silly sometimes.haha. anyway, just like some tweets says act like a real mature and just support them as they just do their responsibility. dah dihidang depan mata hadap jela kan?xkan nk tolak lak rezeki ye tak?
maybe i would see new side of him kan?? *ayat redha je.hehe* . now serious me myself is really excited to see my joon aka stupid muscle to acting cool with lizzy.
oppa fighting.!!!

p/s: i cant upload their photo due to slow connection.what a poor tettttt..

Friday, 6 January 2012


seriously tuliplavender bengang gile dengan pengurusan kolej yang sgt hampeh ni..can you please brief clearly about the "kosongkan bilik" or what so ever things yang sgt annoying di saat otak tengah bz study ni?
come on la takkan tu pun xleh nk buat keputusan cepat and end up nyusahkan orang lain??my things bukannya satu dua kilos okke.nak kene angkut guna lori baru pueh ati.dah la language support tu pun ade rumors saying that the program might be come you all make things so easy?xprofessional la you all ni.kunun nk maju tp hal kecik pun xleh nk handle.sorry terlebih pun dah sehabis baik la statement ni. no offence okke.hanya ingin meluah rasa pada diari online ini. 

Thursday, 5 January 2012

angin itu berbaur sepi.

as the time goes by..memori itu datang kembali.untuk kesekian kalinya.friends, i do miss u all a lot.sometimes it hurts inside just to think that we couldnt rarely meet in future. kita dulu bukannya rapat sangat pun tp tuliplavender anggap u all as part of my heart.seriously korg kalau bace my post sumpah muntah+kuning+kobis+semalam. mesti korg rase tuliplavender sgt awesome sebab leh post cheesy mushy bendalah ni.haha.kidding me.sekian untuk malam sepi.salam..

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

another step to conquer.

hai world. this is me. the only beginning. tuliplavender sudah bernyawa. from now on tukang karut will lost their job with the arousal of TULIP LAVENDER.hehe. *tetibe.

p/s: conglatulate myself for my very first post. ;)