Saturday, 14 January 2012

rumah itu maniskan?? #homesweethome.

dear diari, ape khabaq na?sihat ka?dh lme cheq xpost berita kt hangpa.bukan pa, cheq bz no struggle study.*kunun*.harap hangpa maafkan khilaf cheq na.arini cheq nk post one day life as nurulsyuhaidaaman yang sangat malang.
arini last paper tuliplavender which has ended at 1030 in the morning.mase menjawap 2hours and for god's sake i just did it in one hour!.. huh macam bagus je jawapan yg tuliplavender bulatkan tu.serious killer paper ni coz i dont have enough time to study.this is all because of ROME PUZZLE tuh la.jadahnya la main game tak ingat dunia.addicted gile sampai sanggup xtdo mlm semata2 nak wat empire sendiri kununnye.hurm buang mase the end of the day mata kau jugak bengkak2 plus eyebag panda tuh.okke back to the topic mentioned earlier.
as soon as the exam abes tuliplavender pun rushing back to hostel or secara sahihnya kafe utk mentekedarah coz im too hungry sampai leh telan ungka masak merah but then i was so disappointed to see nothing but just blink2 batang-batang tray tuh.lahanat mereka ni.lapau taw.boleh xmasak g.dah la member says "weh kita balik pukul 12 ye" and time tuh almost 1115.kuciwa gile tp its okay iman still di dada *ehem* then balik bilik kemas pape yg patut until one moment i got calls cakap theres no prebet or pakcik teksi yang sanggup drop kami kt ktm nilai."whats?" dan-dan la sume org bz plus ade keje nk buat. so after i tried to call mereka2 yang terpilih maka ready la tuliplavender utk berangkat.itupun ade gak halangan lagi such as prebet yang fucking annoying with the soalan bodoh yang tahap mintak penampar.tanya punya tanya ceh budak first year jugak upenye.kompom i tak layan dah soklan beliau.sikit punye ingat dia senior.adik2 gituh.aci bolayan la.
then dah dalam train yang sangat lembab *thanks to keretapitanahmelayu* sampai gak kt kl sentral tup2 i missed one train to klang.arrrgghh geram gile kena tunggu half an hour lagi pastu dpt train naik,naik bus,dgr lagu bla..bla..bla..sampai2 uma salam mak n atuk then bukak music bank and watch leejoon MBLAQ sings handsomely.hehe.oh heaven.pastu makan unstoppable n makan lagi then tido in my heavenly matress,auuww...

p.s: motif utama nak cakap "hoi orang kampung aku dah sampai kampung.korang ade?haha..rumah is the best place to stay lah.adios..chalja..nite.sekian.salam.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

hatiku kecewa...!

hai dude..
sungguh hatiku sgt kecewa time dapat news saying that my leejoon MBLAQ would be paired with Lizzy AFTER SCHOOL in pit a pat shake..what the heck is that??
i cant stand to see other woman at his side..!! gosh MBC you gotta kidding me rite?? btw, after sometimes or cooling myself actually (hehe) i thought it would be okay lah since they are just acting not married just like few couples. but then the devil whispered again " hey, what if  they starts couple after the program has ended?in real life??". hish "cannot go ni ( like my ustaz always said)'. my oppa is so damn hot although he looks silly sometimes.haha. anyway, just like some tweets says act like a real mature and just support them as they just do their responsibility. dah dihidang depan mata hadap jela kan?xkan nk tolak lak rezeki ye tak?
maybe i would see new side of him kan?? *ayat redha je.hehe* . now serious me myself is really excited to see my joon aka stupid muscle to acting cool with lizzy.
oppa fighting.!!!

p/s: i cant upload their photo due to slow connection.what a poor tettttt..

Friday, 6 January 2012


seriously tuliplavender bengang gile dengan pengurusan kolej yang sgt hampeh ni..can you please brief clearly about the "kosongkan bilik" or what so ever things yang sgt annoying di saat otak tengah bz study ni?
come on la takkan tu pun xleh nk buat keputusan cepat and end up nyusahkan orang lain??my things bukannya satu dua kilos okke.nak kene angkut guna lori baru pueh ati.dah la language support tu pun ade rumors saying that the program might be come you all make things so easy?xprofessional la you all ni.kunun nk maju tp hal kecik pun xleh nk handle.sorry terlebih pun dah sehabis baik la statement ni. no offence okke.hanya ingin meluah rasa pada diari online ini. 

Thursday, 5 January 2012

angin itu berbaur sepi.

as the time goes by..memori itu datang kembali.untuk kesekian kalinya.friends, i do miss u all a lot.sometimes it hurts inside just to think that we couldnt rarely meet in future. kita dulu bukannya rapat sangat pun tp tuliplavender anggap u all as part of my heart.seriously korg kalau bace my post sumpah muntah+kuning+kobis+semalam. mesti korg rase tuliplavender sgt awesome sebab leh post cheesy mushy bendalah ni.haha.kidding me.sekian untuk malam sepi.salam..

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

another step to conquer.

hai world. this is me. the only beginning. tuliplavender sudah bernyawa. from now on tukang karut will lost their job with the arousal of TULIP LAVENDER.hehe. *tetibe.

p/s: conglatulate myself for my very first post. ;)