paper sume dh abes and it means i already finished my second sem in USIM. still trying to adapt with the environment but i just cant. dont know why, its so hard. KUIS n USIM xde la beza sgt but frankly speaking i really love my beloved KUIS. ouh how i missed those memories with THEM.*again mentioned their name.kakyah,cen,esah,nenek.
communication with my roomates are quite close and baru taw actually dorang ni satu kepala ngn tuliplavender.hehe.what a lovely emy,mira weirdo and chipsmore cheah. i love u all.but soon, we cant really see each other as we are separated by hostel.sorg kt rumah sewa tu, sorg kt hostel tuh, sorg kt sewa ni pulak. so my wish, we are still remember each other and jangan malu nk tegur lau jumpa pas ni.
last but not least, today is kak yah monyet's birthday. i already wish u in message but i really want to see you in person face to face just like old days. jauh xbermakna lupa kan?
p/s : ceh perasaan bukan2 mlm ni.