Tuesday, 11 March 2014

bad malaysia.

how was your day today?
i dont think so.

 several days back, our country has been flooded with so many unexpected things such as kemarau, no waters for entire states, bad haze surround us and most bigger issue which  involve MH370 and Malaysia Airlines. it was saturday morning and i just fall asleep hours before and awaken by the notification of my lenovo. so i checked my facebook and shocked while scanning other friends' statuses saying that MAS plane had disappeared out of nowhere. the MH370 supposed to reach at Beijing, China around 6.30 am but surprisingly the plane has disappeared and cannot be reached by radar around 2.30am. up until now, it has been almost four days without any news. government in collaboration with several countries such as Singapore, Vietnam, China, Japan and even America tried many ways to find them but the there is no any good new so far.

just where on earth were they going? no signs of explodes, no hints of any technical problems or even sign of being hijacked by terrorist. it just that the plane is disappear with all passengers and crews. but to where? which country? by whom? no one can answer. everyone is still shocked by the news. all over country is in mess and make thing worse, here comes all keyboard warriors which we cant deny their existence. too many of rumors. too much of speculations about the plane till me myself dont know what i should trust and believe. so many articles and statement were released almost every minutes and government cannot control it. netizens are so fast. 

despite all these rumors and fake accounts here and there, please respect and think about what will the passengers's families feeling at this critical moment. their family members is no where to be found and the status is unknown. we dont know whether they are still alive or move to another world. we also dont know their exact condition either they are safe or being hurt somewhere. please.. please.. and please have some respect to the families especially. we are not in their boats, so we dont feel desperate as they are. there, in the plane, there would be their parents, siblings, leader of the family, mothers and even two babies in it. so what we gonna do right now? to stop all speculations? halt those fuc* stupid rumors??? what are we? we are no one. we dont have power to do that. we dont have all those authorities as we are no one.

 the first thing starts from our own self. if you dont have any idea and anything to say, so please stop all those nonsense statement. it is so annoying to read stupid comment from stupid person. have some pity boleh?
then the next thing we should do is doa, doa and continue to pray. who knows one of our doa being heard by Allah SWT and all the passengers in the plane are safe and sound. to them, please come back to the loved one. they need you. we need you. all need you.

peace and love,

Monday, 17 February 2014

my handmade jubah on my first day of 6th semester.

 hai again.
finally my 6th semester has arrived.!
wow getting excited for this new semester and i got few things so called as "preparation for new semester"
ceh new semester la sangat kan.hiks. i bought few things such as two pairs f shoes, new bags, a polka dot fan and few random things. i dont know since when i become addicted to polka dots and play with neon and bright colours. huh. and not very important one is i wear my very first handmade jubah today!! so excited and the feeling as i touch the moon over the sky. okkey over dah.! that feeling is not before i burn my own jubah last night when i ironed that precious piece!!! oh my god.!! what have i done to my jubah!! i burnt it with my own two hands.! tak sedar pun tau-tau dah berasap. luckily the hole was small and people wont aware of it unless they have interest in me. ceh. so halfheartedly i wear it today and people keep saying that the jubah is awesome and pretty.!! hahaha berbunga hati ini tau.
how was it? sorry me is a bit katik here.!!


Monday, 6 January 2014

lazy of me.

hai assalamualaikum.
mulala kan. asal minggu2 final exam mesti perasaan ni datang dgn sendirinya. tapi kali ni memang tak leh nak bendung. tuliplavender tak pernah rase semalas ini nak study. tuliplavender tak pernah xstudy utk final and amazingly it happen this semester.! memang tahu dan percaya exam is one or two days ahead tapi kenapa takda rasa nak study? study ni pun sebab tengok kengkawan study n macam tak patut kalau xstudy but deep down inside tak tahu la apa yang masuk dalam kepala hotak tuliplavender ni.
bangunlah wahai si pemalas.!
okke at first i demam for almost a week and dont have energy to start on study and bukak buku sume tu. but now dah baik dah kot rasenya and suppose to study starting last week lagi tapi keadaan masih sama macam bajet2 demam lagi. macam tak takut langsung siap boleh tengok tv yang selama ni tak pernah heran pun cerita hape dalam tv tu and lepak2 tido mcm orang takda masa depan.! buku pun pandang seperti takda depan mata. 
oh my god what is happening to me.? dah banyak kali nak sedarkan diri ni. memang kau xingat mak n family kt kampung kan kalau tengok gaya kau relax kan tuliplavender? mak apsal dasat sangat kadar kemalasan ni? tengoklah sempat lagi writing on blog tanpa mengendahkan paper yang straight three days in a row kamis, jumaat sabtu tu. dont tell me you are under possession ke hape. or kena buatan orang? okke stop this crappy things.!!
why not pergi study sekarang and bukak nota yang tak pernah berbukak tu? please someone wake me up from this laziness.! kenapa takda rasa menyesal ni? tak risau langsung dengan result ke? ke sebab takda subjek arab so you boleh enjoy as much as you want? come on babe. sayangi diri anda. jangan dah dapat result baru sebuk nak nangis dalam toilet n mata bengkak2. 

p/s: makan kismis n doa panjang2 pun tak guna cik kak kalau awak malas study.sekian.