Monday 17 February 2014

my handmade jubah on my first day of 6th semester.

 hai again.
finally my 6th semester has arrived.!
wow getting excited for this new semester and i got few things so called as "preparation for new semester"
ceh new semester la sangat kan.hiks. i bought few things such as two pairs f shoes, new bags, a polka dot fan and few random things. i dont know since when i become addicted to polka dots and play with neon and bright colours. huh. and not very important one is i wear my very first handmade jubah today!! so excited and the feeling as i touch the moon over the sky. okkey over dah.! that feeling is not before i burn my own jubah last night when i ironed that precious piece!!! oh my god.!! what have i done to my jubah!! i burnt it with my own two hands.! tak sedar pun tau-tau dah berasap. luckily the hole was small and people wont aware of it unless they have interest in me. ceh. so halfheartedly i wear it today and people keep saying that the jubah is awesome and pretty.!! hahaha berbunga hati ini tau.
how was it? sorry me is a bit katik here.!!
